DL-300 Data Logger User Manual Version 1.1.0 Aug. 2015
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- Cycle: sets the time period for update the publish messages in millisecond.
- Module Topic Name: sets the module topic name.
- CO/CO2/ Relative Humidity/ Temperature (°C)/ Temperature (°F)/ Dew Point (°C)/ Dew
Point (°F) Sub Topic Name: sets the sub topic name for each item.
A MQTT client subscribes the messages form a MQTT broker by specifying the topic
name as
Module Topic Name + Sub Topic Name
For example, to subscribe the CO
level in this case, a MQTT client subscribes the
topic name from a MQTT broker as
Input the Message Attribute Sub Topic Name and Message Sub Topic Name, and then
click on the
Update Settings
button to save the parameters. Users can remotely
display message or set the message attribute by publishing MQTT messages to the
topic name of [Module Topic Name + Message Sub Topic Name] or [Module Topic
Name + Message Attribute Sub Topic Name]
- Message Attribute Sub Topic Name: sets the sub topic name for message attribute.
If a MQTT message is published to topic name: “Module Topic Name + Message
Attribute Sub Topic Name” for a DL-300 logger, the logger will follow the MQTT
message described to set the attribute for displaying a message on the screen.
: the message attribute needs be passed before the message published to take
the settings effect.