Issue 1.9
To acquire data from the „io-device002“ device, a sniffer module has to be added.
Figure 51: ibaPDA Sniffer module „General“ tab
The device name „io-device002“ must be selected in the PROFINET – Device section.
The analog signals must be configured as follows:
Figure 52: ibaPDA sniffer module „Analog“ tab
For the slots, subslots and addresses see figures Figure 48: Configuration IM155-6 PN
and Figure 49: Slot / subslot configuration.
Please note that when addressing the signals in ibaPDA, the counting starts with 0 per
slot/subslot unlike in TIA portal.
The signal [8:0] accesses the DI module in slot 3 and reads the 8 digital signals as BYTE.
It is the same with signal [18:0] and the DQ module in slot 6.