Issue 1.9
the time period since the last time they were saved. Only data of configured and en-
abled devices will be saved.
Controllers, Devices, Subslots, CRs
Number of the used, configured and maximum allowed controllers, devices, sub-
slots or CRs.
Total, IRT, RT load
Respective percentage utilization of communication bandwidth
Good, Bad, IRT, RT frames
Respective consecutive counter of the frames detected
Figure 25: „TAP“ sub node Device status and configuration
Status, name, IP address, MAC address, vendor ID, device ID, information
Displays the current values
Display on which side (A or B) of the TAP the device was detected.
The assignment which physical side of the TAP is A or B is made by the device. For
technical reasons, the assignment A or B may change after each restart.
Connection attempts, Connection errors
Counters of connection attempts and errors