Issue 1.9
Data acquisition with TAP / Sniffer
Figure 7:
Data acqusition with TAP / Sniffer
In the above example, the TAP interface is used for aquiring and analyzing the trans-
ferred data without interferences. It does not have to be integrated into the configuration
of the PROFINET controller.
The installation location within the PROFINET line is relevant. The TAP interface always
has to be integrated linearly. You can only acquire data which are transmitted at this
position in the network.
Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP)
The Media Redundancy Protocol is a PROFINET feature and allows you to build up a
ring-topology network. Using redundant physical connections, a higher reliability of the
PROFINET network can be reached.
Both PROFINET device interfaces support MRP as a MRP client as well as MRPD-client.
Via the TAP interface, data can also be acquired in a ring topology, as long as the con-
nection telegrams can be recorded. Depending on the configuration status of the MRP
ring (sending direction in the ring), the dataflow of the PROFINET telegrams changes.
Also depending on the installation location of the ibaBM-PN only those data can be ac-
quired which are currently transported at this position of the network.
Important Note
ibaBM-PN in sniffer operation is not designed to be used in a MRP ring topology.