Issue 1.9
49 “Digital” tab
The signals are declared in two steps. First of all, the words you want to acquire as
source for the digital signals have to be defined in sequential order.
Figure 31:
“Sniffer decoder” module – “Digital“ tab
Enter here word signals, which contain the digital signals in sequential order. The col-
umns in the signal list have the following meaning:
Assign a meaningful name to the source word.
Select the I/O type of the signal :
Input signal from the controller´s perspective
Output signal from the controller´s perspective
Enter the number of the slot to which the signal is assigned.
Enter the number of the subslot to which the signal is assigned.
The byte address of the signal within the input or output data range of the slot. The
address range always begins with the address 0.
Data type
Data type of the signal. Here, you can only select the types WORD and WORD_B.
With this option enabled, the source signal is acquired with its 16 digital signals and
also considered when checking the number of licensed signals. Individual digital
signals can be disabled.
For every source word, the list of 16 digital signals can be opened by clicking on the
plus sign. Here, the single bits of the source word are defined.