Issue 1.9
The following technical restrictions are to be taken into consideration:
To detect a PROFINET device in the network, the telegram interexchange during
connection set-up (CPU restart, cable reconnection) must be recorded.
The configuration data from once in the network detected and from Sniffer modules
referenced PROFINET devices is saved.
In the case of short connection interruptions, it is possible that a controller may es-
tablish AR (Application Relation) without a previous DCP request. As a result, the
devices may not be fully detected (e.g. device names and device IDs are missing).
The behavior depends on the controller. The observed time spans are up to 30 sec-
A maximum amount of 512 PROFINET devices can be managed.
A maximum amount of 1024 ARs (application relation) can be managed.
Data can be sniffed of max. 64 PROFINET devices simultaneously. The number of
sniffer modules used herefore is irrelevant.
A maximum amount of 128 CRs (communication relation) can be configured simul-
A maximum amount of 1024 subslots can be configured simultaneously. If a subslot
is configured for input and for output, it counts twice.