Rev. 161107
6.9.1 Arming Schedule Setting > ALARM
Many practical applications are possible when using a combination of Alarm IN (Sensor)
and Alarm OUT (Control) devices. For example, an infrared sensor input (Alarm IN) can
trigger a siren alarm output (Alarm OUT) when both devices are correctly connected to
the camera and configured in the camera’s setup. Note that Alarm OUT activation is not
subject to arming section in this tab.
Detected Alarm IN (triggered sensor) events can trigger a video clip or snapshot
recording to the microSD card. Audio output can also be enabled in response to a
detected Alarm IN (triggered sensor) event.
On-screen display and email
notifications are available.
All linked actions configured in
this setup tab are subject to arming
The following conditions must be met:
Alarm IN device must be correctly
connected to the camera’s Alarm
In port during the installation
Alarm IN device must be correctly
powered and be fully operational.
Alarm IN device must be enabled
and configured in the camera’s
Alarm setup tab (
See Section 6.5
for more info
Alarm IN event must occur during
the configured Arming Schedule.
Store to SD Card:
Check to save a *.jpg snapshot to the microSD after each Alarm In
(triggered sensor) event.
Check to save a *.mp4 video clip to the microSD after each Alarm In
(triggered sensor) event.
Audio Out:
Enable Audio Out to play a selected alarm sound from the audio
device connected to Audio Out port on the camera each time Alarm IN (triggered
sensor) event is detected.
Audio Sound:
Select one of 10 available alarm sounds to play each time Alarm
IN (triggered sensor) event is detected. Audio sounds are configured under Alarm
setup tab.
On Screen Display:
On Screen Display feature will display entered text on the video screen whenever Alarm
IN event (triggered sensor) is detected.