Rev. 161107
At least one video stream must be set to MJPEG codec in the Video tab to record *.jpg
snapshots to microSD card.
At least one video stream must be set to H264 codec in the Video tab to record *.mp4
video clips to microSD card.
Inside the camera’s SD Card setup tab, user can configure a type of edge video
recording, clip size and overwrite mode status. This tab also includes the microSD card
performance information.
SD Card Setting:
Video Type:
to Video or Audio
and Video. Audio
input device (e.g.
microphone) must be
correctly connected to
the camera’s Audio IN port during the installation stage to support this function.
Record Type:
Set to One Shot, Continuous or Backup.
One Shot:
This recording type will record 5- or 10-second *.mp4 video clips
after the event starts (e.g. Motion detected, Tamper event detected).
Note that the recording may end before the event is finished. At least one
stream must be set to H264 codec in the Video tab.
This recording type will start recording after the event starts
(e.g. Motion detected, Tamper event detected) and will continue recording
until the event has finished. This recording type can also be combined with
Scheduled recording (Recording/Schedule tab). Primary or Secondary stream
must be set to H264 codec in the Video tab.
Same as Continuous recording type, however Third stream is used
for recording. Third stream must be enabled and set to H264 codec in the
Video tab.
Clip Duration:
(applies to One Shot recording type
) Set to 5 or 10 seconds.
Clip Size:
Set between 10 and 20 MB. Clip Size value ensures that any single
*.mp4 video clip size does not exceed the set limit.
Set the OverWrite mode to ON or OFF. When enabled, the information
on the microSD card will be overwritten based on FIFO principle.
SD Card Status:
SD Card Usage:
This percentage value is calculated as microSD Free Space /
microSD Total capacity * 100%.
SD Card Life Status:
microSD LifeSpan is the maximum number of overwrite
cycles, as defined by the microSD card manufacturer. Note that not all microSD
manufacturers support LifeSpan notification functionality. If your microSD card
does not support this feature, SD Card Life Status will say “Lifetime Notification