Controllo livello refrigerante .......................94
Controllo posizione valvola di scarico ......112
Controllo rapporto di compressione.........196
Controllo usura catena, pignone, corona ...144
Corona posteriore ......................................26
Forcella anteriore.......................................28
Frizione ......................................................24
Inattività prolungata .................................250
Liquido di raffreddamento ..........................30
Livello olio forcella....................................132
Lubrificazione catena...............................146
Lubrificazione motore. ...............................22
Modifica posizione manubrio ...................134
Montaggio pastiglie freno.........................154
Note generali ...............................................6
Numero identificazione motociclo ..............14
Pedale avviamento ....................................68
Piegatura perno ruota ..............................220
Pignone uscita cambio...............................26
Premessa importante ..................................8
Pulizia disco freno....................................162
Pulizia filtro aria .......................................114
Pulizia generale .......................................254
Checks after every competition ..........250
Checks during running in......................84
Check of air filter ................................114
Check of chain, pinion, crown wear....144
Check of compression ratio ................196
Check of cooling fluid ..........................94
Check of exhaust valve position ........112
Check of front brake fluid level............120
Check of gearbox oil ............................90
Check of rear brake fluid level ............124
Cleaning the air filter ........................114
Clutch ................................................24
Clutch control ......................................64
Clutch disc disassembly ....................102
Cooling fluid..........................................30
Control position ....................................16
Commutator on the steering ................62
Digital instrument ................................44
Disassembling the several elements ......8
Draining the brake fluid ......................164
Draining the cooling fluid ......................94
Draining the front brake fluid ..............156
Draining the front braking system ......168
Draining the gearbox oil........................92
Draining the rear brake fluid ..............158
Draining the rear brake system ..........172
Driven transmission chain ....................26
Engine assembly ................................178
Electric diagram ..........................263-265
Electric elements ................................222
Engine lubrication ................................22
Exhaust valve ......................................22
Contrôle niveau réfrigérant ..................94
Contrôles préliminaires ........................70
Contrôle position soupape
de décharge ........................................112
Contrôle rapport compression ............196
Contrôle usure chaîne, pignon,
couronne ............................................144
Couronne arrière ..................................26
Curage système de freinage avant ....168
Curage système de freinage arrière ..172
Démarrage moteur................................74
Démontage des détails ..........................8
Démontage disques embrayage ........102
Démontage plaquettes frein................152
Disque papillantant ............................160
Embrayage ..........................................24
Èquipement d’outils ............................226
Fourche arrière ....................................28
Fourche avant ......................................28
Freins ..................................................150
Graissage chaîne................................146
Graissage moteur ................................22
Instrument digital ..................................44
Liquide de refroidissement....................30
Longue inactivité ................................250
IMP.13-125-2002 11-12-2001 9:10 Pagina 270
Содержание 125/2002
Страница 219: ...219 Nota Si la llanta está excesivamente plegada tiene que ser sustituida IMP 12 125 2002 7 12 2001 16 59 Pagina 219 ...
Страница 224: ...224 WR Enduro USA WR Enduro USA WR Enduro USA WR Enduro USA IMP 12 125 2002 7 12 2001 17 00 Pagina 224 ...
Страница 225: ...225 WR Enduro USA IMP 12 125 2002 7 12 2001 17 00 Pagina 225 ...
Страница 229: ...229 IMP 12 125 2002 7 12 2001 17 00 Pagina 229 ...
Страница 232: ...COPPIE DI SERRAGGIO TIGHTENING TORQUES COUPLES DE SERRAGE 232 IMP 12 125 2002 7 12 2001 17 00 Pagina 232 ...
Страница 233: ...233 VERSCHRAUBUNGSMOMENTE PATAS DE TORSION IMP 12 125 2002 7 12 2001 17 00 Pagina 233 ...
Страница 261: ...261 MEMORANDUM IMP 13 125 2002 11 12 2001 9 10 Pagina 261 ...
Страница 266: ...266 WR 125 USA A B C D E F 1 4 3 2 IMP 13 125 2002 11 12 2001 9 10 Pagina 266 ...
Страница 276: ...276 MEMORANDUM IMP 13 125 2002 11 12 2001 9 10 Pagina 276 ...
Страница 277: ...277 MEMORANDUM IMP 13 125 2002 11 12 2001 9 10 Pagina 277 ...
Страница 278: ...278 MEMORANDUM IMP 13 125 2002 11 12 2001 9 10 Pagina 278 ...
Страница 279: ...279 MEMORANDUM IMP 13 125 2002 11 12 2001 9 10 Pagina 279 ...
Страница 280: ...280 MEMORANDUM IMP 13 125 2002 11 12 2001 9 10 Pagina 280 ...