Scenario 1:7 – Private Networks (Simple vNet) 93
Figure 1-82
Define a new vNet (vNet-Prod) and enable Private Networks.
Defining a Server Profile
Four server profiles will be required; both Network ports will be connected to vNet-PROD
On the Virtual Connect Manager screen, click Define, Server Profile to create a Server Profile
Create a server profile called “Web-1”
In the Network Port 1 drop down box, select “vNet-PROD”
In the Network Port 2 drop down box, select “vNet-PROD”
In the Assign the Profile to a Server Bays, select Bay 1 and apply
On the Virtual Connect Manager screen, click Define, Server Profile to create a Server Profile
Create a server profile called “Web-2”
In the Network Port 1 drop down box, select “vNet-PROD”
In the Network Port 2 drop down box, select “vNet-PROD”
In the Assign the Profile to a Server Bays, select Bay 2 and apply
On the Virtual Connect Manager screen, click Define, Server Profile to create a Server Profile
Create a server profile called “Web-3”
In the Network Port 1 drop down box, select “vNet-PROD”
In the Network Port 2 drop down box, select “vNet-PROD”
In the Assign the Profile to a Server Bays, select Bay 3 and apply