Scenario 2:2 - Flex-10 - VLAN Tagging (802.1Q) with Multiple Shared Uplink Sets (SUS) and Mapped VLANs - Windows 2008
Hyper-V 131
Server NIC Speed and LOM Mappings
We will now focus more of the specific Flex-10 features.
Note the “Allocated Bandwidth” and the LOM “Mapping” settings in the following graphic. Flex-10 based
NICs have the ability of being configured as a Single 10Gb NIC or divided into as many as FOUR (4)
physical NICs. It is important to note the LOM mappings when configuring which NIC will be connected to
which network, as a NIC on a specific LOM can connect to a network only once. (IE, NIC LOM:1-a can be
assigned to Prod-101-1, no other NIC on LOM:1 can be assigned to Prod-101-1) This is discussed in
further details in the Flex-10 technology brief mentioned earlier in this document.
As additional NICs are added to a profile that is assigned to a server with a 10Gb Flex-NIC, the
assignment will alternate between LOM:1-x and LOM:2-x. The first NIC will be LOM:1-a, the second will
be LOM:2-a, then LOM:1-b, LOM:2-b etc. to a max of 4 NICs per LOM.
Also, note that if additional NICs are required, this server has only 6 NICs configured, we could ADD two
more NICs to this server without adding additional hardware. As of Virtual Connect firmware 2.30, Virtual
Connect will provide the ability to add/remove or reconfigure the server NICs, including NIC speed, while
the server is running.
Figure 2-34
Server NIC speed and LOM Mappings.