Fig. 80. Pilot test.
Fig. 81. Pump test.
The Setup page allows the user to configure some display
settings. Pressing the Setup button on the Home page (see
Fig. 7) will bring up the Setup page and Display Diagnostics
page (see Fig. 82).
Fig. 82. Setup page.
Press the Display Setup page to display various options that
can be set by the user (see Fig. 83 to Fig. 86)
The General tab (Fig. 83) contains the following settings:
Display alerts on Status Summary Bar?
This determines
whether non-safety alerts will be shown on the summary
bar of the Status page
Display empty parameter groups?
This cleans up the
home page by hiding unused parameter groups
Sound audio alarm for faults?
This uses the display
speaker to sound an alarm on shutdown for SOLA faults
Fig. 83. Setup page - General setup.
The COM1 and COM2 tabs (see Fig. 84) contain the following
Enable COM1/COM2 port:
This box must be selected to
enables the COM1/COM2 interface
Modbus address range 1-N:
Sets the range of Modbus
addresses to search for connected devices (range is 1 to
Modbus baud rate:
Baud rate is the data transmission
speed over the network. Select the rate that is compatible
with every device on the network in order to understand the
transmitted messages. (4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600
or 115200 bps)
Fig. 84. Setup page - Com ports setup.
COM ports are not restricted to a specific device or function, it
can be connected to SOLA controls or Modbus gateway for
BAS. For example, if the Modbus gateway function is selected
and connected on COM 1, then the Sola network can be
connected to COM 2.