Operation Manual – System Maintenance and Debugging
H3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 1 Boot ROM and Host Software
You can use one computer as both configuration device and FTP server.
Step 2: Run the FTP server program on the FTP server, configure an FTP user name
and password, and copy the program file to the specified FTP directory.
Step 3: Run the HyperTerminal program on the configuration PC. Start the switch. Then
enter the BOOT Menu.
At the prompt "Enter your choice(0-9):" in the BOOT Menu, press <6> or <Ctrl+U>, and
then press <Enter> to enter the Boot ROM update menu shown below:
Bootrom update menu:
1. Set TFTP protocol parameter
2. Set FTP protocol parameter
3. Set XMODEM protocol parameter
0. Return to boot menu
Enter your choice(0-3):
Step 4: Enter 2 in the above menu to download the Boot ROM using FTP. Then set the
following FTP-related parameters as required:
Load File name :switch.btm
Switch IP address :
Server IP address :
FTP User Name :Switch
FTP User Password :abc
Step 5: Press <Enter>. The system displays the following information:
Are you sure to update your bootrom?Yes or No(Y/N)
Step 6: Enter Y to start file downloading or N to return to the Boot ROM update menu. If
you enter Y, the system begins to download and update the program. Upon completion,
the system displays the following information:
Bootrom updating..........done!
Loading host software
Follow these steps to load the host software:
Step 1: Select <1> in BOOT Menu and press <Enter>. The system displays the
following information:
1. Set TFTP protocol parameter
2. Set FTP protocol parameter
3. Set XMODEM protocol parameter
0. Return to boot menu