Operation Manual – Port Basic Configuration
H3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 1 Port Basic Configuration
1.1.10 Configuring the Interval to Perform Statistical Analysis on Port Traffic
By performing the following configuration, you can set the interval to perform statistical
analysis on the traffic of a port.
When you use the
display interface interface-type interface-number
command to
display the information of a port, the system performs statistical analysis on the traffic
flow passing through the port during the specified interval and displays the average
rates in the interval. For example, if you set this interval to 100 seconds, the displayed
information is as follows:
Last 100 seconds input: 0 packets/sec 0 bytes/sec
Last 100 seconds output: 0 packets/sec 0 bytes/sec
Table 1-9
Set the interval to perform statistical analysis on port traffic
Enter system view
Enter Ethernet port view
interface interface-type
Set the interval to perform
statistical analysis on port
flow-interval interval
By default, this interval is
300 seconds.
1.1.11 Disabling Up/Down Log Output on a Port
An Ethernet port has two physical link statuses: UP and Down. When the physical link
status of an Ethernet port changes, the switch will send log to the log server, which in
turn acts accordingly. If the status of Ethernet ports in a network changes frequently,
large amount of log information may be sent, which increases work load of the log
server and consumes more network resources.
You can limit the amount of the log information sent to the log server by disabling the
Up/Down log output function on Ethernet ports.
After you allow a port to output the Up/Down log information, if the physical link status of
the port does not change, the switch does not send log information to the log server but
monitors the port in real time.