KNX/EIB 3.5/5.0/10.1 inch Touch Panel Plus
Control method parameter setting
The Following two parameters is used for the PI control method.
——Parameter“Heating speed”
——Parameter“Cooling speed”
This parameter is used to set the responding speed of the heating or cooling PI controller.Options:
User defined
——Parameter“Proportional range (P value) 0...65,535”
——Parameter“Readjust time (I value) (0...65,535)*s ”
This two parameters are available when the option “User defined”is selected under the “Heating /Cooling
speed”and used to set the PI value of the PI controller.
The following two parameters is used for 2 point control method:
——Parameter“Lower Hysteresis [0..200]*0.1
For heating
——Parameter“Upper Hysteresis [0..200]*0.1
For cooling
The parameter is used to set the delay value of the HVAC heating or cooling.Options:0..200
Under heating status,when the actual temperature(T)>setpoint temperature,stop heating.
When the actual temperature<=setpoint temperature-Delay value,start to heat.
For example,when the delay is 3
,setpoint temperature is 22
,T is higher than 22
,then stop heating.
When T lower than 19
,start to heat;When T is the range of 19-22
,maintain the current running status.
Under cooling status,when the actual temperature(T)<setpoint temperature,stop cooling.
When the actual temperature>=setpoint tempDelay value,start to cool.
For example,when the delay is 3
,setpoint temperature is 26
,T is higher than 26
,then stop cooling.
When T lower than 29
,start to cool;When T is the range of 29-26
,maintain the current running status.