Gate Swings Evenly and Freely
Hung Firmly and Plumb
PVC conduit (not included)
to protect low voltage wire
from lawn mowers and weed eaters.
Post Bracket Assembly
Control Box with Battery
Gate Bracket
First Gate Operator
Concrete Poured Around Gate Post
Run 1000' (max.) of low
voltage wire to control
box from transformer
(wire not included).
Power Cable
Closed Position Positive Stop Plates
120 Volt Indoor
(surge protector
not supplied)
Second Operator Power Cable
in PVC conduit (not included)
Second Gate Operator
Installing the Second Unit
The diagram below is of a dual gate, pull-to-open (open-in) installation on a chain link fence and gates.
"Pull-to-Open" dual gates open into the driveway. If you are installing a "Push-to-Open" gate system see "Push-
to-Open Installation" starting on page 30.
Illustration B
Step D-1:
Turn back to page 11 and repeat Steps 1 through 11 to install the second unit.
Step D-2:
Install open position stops for both gates. See Step 12, page 16.
Step D-3:
Remove the hairpin clips, clevis pins, and washers from the operators and close the gates. Install the closed position
stop plate on the gate that you want to close second. Extend the stop plate to make contact with the leading edge of
the other gate.
Step D-4:
A dual gate system
requires a closed
position positive stop
for the gate that closes
first. Install a closed
position positive stop
in driveway directly
below the gate (see
illustration at right).
Closed Position
Stop Plates
Open Position Stop
Wood, metal, or concrete
post set in concrete.
Gate Hinge
Gate Hinge
Open Position Stop
The gate leaf must open
80˚ (min.) to 110˚ (max.)
Ground Stop
(beneath gate)
The gate leaf must open
80˚ (min.) to 110˚ (max.)