7. Installation
Hi-Lo and PRO-1 Pan Feeders
19. The auger may be lengthened by brazing two (2) sections of auger together.
20. The ends to be brazed should be well filed and cleaned. Weld length should be 1/2" to 3/4"
(13 mm to 19 mm).
21. Use a bronze, flux-coated rod and low heat, as overheating could warp the auger.
22. To keep the auger aligned and to prevent warping and kinking, lay the auger into an angle or channel
iron and clamp firmly.
23. The auger must not be lapped. This causes a narrow flight spacing and will hamper feed movement.
24. Allow the auger to air-cool slowly.
25. Grind off any rough edges.
Figure 7CV
1/2" to 3/4"
13 mm to 19 mm