Genevac HT-8 & HT-12 Series II Evaporating Systems
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Issue 1-9 – June 2008
The system did not stop when I expected it to.
The run is taking far longer than I expected.
The system has shut down and I have an
imbalance alarm prompt.
The sample temperature exceeds the control
The Coolheat lamps will not switch on.
The system will not reach full vacuum.
8 Fault
This section will describe potential errors and faults
that may occur and lists their probable causes.
The symptoms are listed on the left hand side of the
page and the source of solutions on the right.
Probable cause
You may have inadvertently linked a run (refer to
section 5.6 Next Run Number).
You may have inadvertently looped a run (refer
to section 5.6 Next Run Number).
Check that the condenser pot in use has been
drained (refer to section 5.8 How to use the
Check the sample holders and contents for
weight differences of greater than 50g (refer to
section 4.1 Safe loading).
Probable cause
The wrong control channel has been selected or
the probes have been connected to the wrong
channel (refer to section 5.6 How to use
The Coolheat enable pressure has been set
incorrectly (refer to section 5.5 Coolheat Enable
The heat off elapsed time has not been specified
or specified incorrectly (refer to section 5.5 Heat
Off Elapsed Time).
Probable cause
The chamber pressure may be controlled (refer
to section 5.5 Controlled Pressure).
Dri-Pure may have been selected (refer to
section 5.5 Dri-Pure).
There may be a leak in the system (refer to
Leaks below).
Check the pump oil level (refer to section 6.1
Routine checks).
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