Genevac HT-8 & HT-12 Series II Evaporating Systems
Page 32 of
Issue 1-9 – June 2008
How to use SampleGuard
SampleGuard is a dual channel temperature
controller that operates when the rotor is spinning.
Thermocouple type probes are connected to the
SampleGuard housing as shown.
One probe is used to control the sample holder
temperature and the other the sample temperature.
The SampleGuard housing is stamped next to the
connectors to identify channels 1 and 2.
The third connection is for a remote power supply to
power SampleGuard to verify temperature calibration
(refer to later notes).
Always ensure that channel 1 is used to monitor and
control the sample holder temperature and channel 2
to control the sample temperature.
Always use channel 1 as the control channel as
using channel 2 under these circumstances, could
result in damage to thermo labile samples.
Depending on the solvents being evaporated and the
conditions, significant cooling and/or freezing will
normally occur.
Under these conditions using microtitre plates, it is
advisable to position the sample probe in a sample
well near the centre of the plate.
Since the central wells are surrounded by other
frozen or cold wells, there will be a significant
thermal drain.
Under these conditions, dryness may well occur in
the outer wells whist the central samples remain in
solution or frozen.
The use of Genevac Heat Transfer Plates would prove to be beneficial in preventing this
condition arising, by providing an even heat transfer to your samples.
Please refer to our “Options & Accessories Brochure” to get the best solution for needs.
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