3. Test Operation and Adjustment
IM speed sensor-less vector control (C30-0 = 3) and
IM vector control with speed sensor (C30-0 = 4) automatic tuning
(1) Automatic tuning
The Auto-tuning for the IM speed sensor-less vector control or IM vector control with speed sensor
can be performed in two modes, basic or extended. The mode selection is allowed by parameter
(B19-0). (Note 1)
1) B19-0 = 3: Mode 3: Vector control basic adjustment mode (Execution time: approx. 30 seconds)
The drive automatically adjusts basic parameters for vector control.
The following parameters are automatically adjusted by executing Mode 3.
Table 3-6-4
Parameter No.
B02-0, 1
B02-2, 3
B02-4, 5
B02-6, 7
No-load output voltage
R1 : Primary resistance
R2 : Secondary resistance
: Leakage inductance
M’ : Excitation inductance
2) B19-0 = 4: Mode 4: Vector control expanded adjustment mode (Execution time: approx. 1 minute)
This mode is selected for constant power range operation only. (Note 2)
The following parameters are automatically adjusted by executing Mode 4.
Table 3-6-5
Parameter No.
B02-0, 1
B02-2, 3
B02-4, 5
B02-6, 7
B34-0 to 7
No-load output voltage
R1 : Primary resistance
R2 : Secondary resistance
: Leakage inductance
M’ : Excitation inductance
M variable compensation table
(Note 1) The automatic tuning function (B19-0) cannot be used in modes other than control selected
with the parameter (C30-0). When C30-0 is set to 3 or 4, the following cannot be selected.
B19-0 = 1: Mode 1: V/f control basic adjustment mode
B19-0 = 2: Mode 2: V/f control extended adjustment mode
(Note 2) When the motor works under constant power operation, the excitation inductance
fluctuation must be compensated.
Assign the operation range to the reference speed table in B33-0 to 7.
Note that the motor will rotate to the max. speed in this case, so take special care to safety.