6. Control Functions and Parameter Settings
6-5 Function explanation
Local frequency setting
Local speed setting
This is the frequency (or speed) setting used in the local mode (operation control from the
operation panel when it is enabled, -“LCL" LED ON-.
The output frequency (speed) changes immediately according to the
Refer to section 5-9-1 for details on selecting the speed setting.
Frequency setting for jogging
Speed setting for jogging
This is the frequency (speed) setting selected when executing jogging run through the
sequence command F JOG or R JOG.
An acceleration/deceleration time exclusive for jogging can be set with B10-2 and B10-3.
B10-2: Acceleration ramp time for jogging
B10-3: Deceleration ramp time for jogging
A01-0, 1
Acceleration/deceleration times
A03-0, 1
DC brake
C01-0, 1
Start/stop frequency
(V/f control: C30-0 = 1, 2)
B 0 0-4 : M a x. Freq ue ncy
A 0 1-0
A ccelera tio n tim e
C 0 1-0
S tart fre qu en cy
A 0 1-1
D e ce le ratio n tim e
A 0 3-0
D C B rakin g vo ltag e
A 0 3-1
D C B rakin g tim e
C 0 1-1
S top fre qu en cy
This is the acceleration/deceleration ramp time validated during normal use (when sequence
command CSEL is OFF). The inverter may trip if the set time is too short.
Increase the DC braking voltage in units of 1% or less at a time while monitoring the output
current. The inverter may trip if the setting is too high.
The DC braking voltage is automatically adjusted by the Autotuning function
(IM Vector control: C30-0 = 3, 4), or (PM motor control: C30-0=5)
B 0 1-4 : M a x. S p ee d
A 0 1-0
A ccelera tio n tim e
A 0 1-1
D e ce le ratio n tim e
A 0 3-2
D C B rakin g C urren t
A 0 3-1
D C B rakin g tim e
C 1 5-4
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