6. Control Functions and Parameter Settings
Pick-up wait time
The wait time t
is a safety delay to ensure that the pick-up operation is enabled a time
after the output is cut off, once the motor residual voltage is disappeared.
The residual voltage is a voltage generated by the motor after the inverter output turns OFF,
and will be abated in approx. 1 to 3 seconds, but will take longer if the motor capacity is
Pick-up current limit value
This is the current limit value exclusively used during pick-up. Normally, set 100%.
Adjust within the following range only when the output torque at restart must be limited.
C21-3 Setting value
Applicable motor excitation current (%) +10%
(Normally 30 to 40%)
<Pick-up operation>
Pick-up starts when F.RUN or R.RUN is ON in the PICK ON state, or when the power is turned on while
auto start with pick-up is enabled (C08-0=3).
The pick-up operation is carried out with the overcurrent limit function as shown below.
P ick u p M o de
N o rm a l M o d e
M otor C urre nt
O utpu t Voltag e
O utpu t F req ue ncy
Tim e
S e tting fre qu e ncy
M ax freq ue ncy
Tim e
B 1 8-0 (1 50 % )
Tim e
1 50 %
1 00 %
(2 )
(3 )
(4 )
M otor S pe ed
C 2 1-3
(1 )
(1) Pick-up
(2) Pick-up
(3) V/f
(4) Re-acceleration after
V/f match