6. Control Functions and Parameter Settings
Automatic start.
= 1: OFF (The drive starts when run command is given after pre-charging. Run commands
before that the power ON sequence is completed will be ignored)
= 2: ON without pick-up
If the run command is ON at the power ON time, then the drive will start once the pre-
charging is completed.
P o w er S u pp ly
P re cha rging
(inte rn al R D Y )
(R u n co m m a nd )
O utpu t freq ue ncy
= 3: ON with pick-up (flying start)
If the run command is ON at the power ON time, then the drive will start once the pre-
charging is completed, enabling the pick-up function. This mode is useful to start after a
power interruption.
When the drive is used as vector control with sensor, the pick up is not needed even if
the motor is rotating when the drive re-starts. In this case set C08-0 to 2
P o w er S u pp ly
P re cha rging
(inte rna l R D Y )
(R u n C om m an d)
O utpu t freq ue ncy
M otor S pe ed
M otor sp ee d
M otor sp ee d se arch
(P ick-U p )
Fo r V /f co ntro l, sen so rle ss co ntrol C 30 -0 =1 ,2,3
If auto start is used, undervoltage fault will not be detected. However, EC0~3 will
output the undervoltage code.