Change the attachment head of the torque tool to tighten the clamp ring
screw (F) at the back of the pump chamber to a torque of 5 Nm with the
torque tool.
It is recommended to fit the 5 mm attachment head onto the clamp ring
screw first, then attach the torque tool to the attachment head due to limi-
ted clearance from the bracket.
Reattach the screw cap (previously illustrated as D in step 5).
If the planned process requires a gradient setup and a second pump, then
go to step 3 and repeat the procedure to fit the pump chamber from the
gradient flow kit.
Make sure the power cables to the pump motors are placed on hooks on
the back of the pump wagon.
Unlock the front wheels of the pump wagon. Then push the pump wagon
so that the pressure plate is aligned with the system frame (approximately
halfway, aligned with the marking on the frame of the pump wagon), then
lock the front wheels again.
The position with the pump wagon halfway in under the system makes it
easier to connect the inlets to pump chambers later.
5 Preparation
5.2 Install disposable flow kits
ÄKTA ready XL Operating Instructions 29281616 AE
*** TeDIS Valid on Date Printed Printed on: 15-09-2023 11:27:35 ***