only use original accessories and
add-on .parts .which .fit .your .FLYER.
The warranty and/or guarantee can become void
if .unapproved .accessories .are .used.
Biketec .AG . cannot . be . held . liable . in . connection .
with .the .use .of .unauthorised .accessories.
The installation of accessories might
damage .the .paint .work. .The .frame, .bat-
tery or components may not be changed
and no holes may be drilled into them in
order .to .attach .accessories.
19. Riding with
additional load
Luggage carrier /riding with luggage
Transporting baggage changes the driving per
formance .of .your .FLYER .e-bike. .Not .only .is .the .
braking distance lengthened with more weight,
the .steering .is .also .less .responsive. .You .should .
therefore .adjust .your .driving .style .to .the .braking .
and . steering . behaviour . of . your . FLYER, . and . al-
ways . anticipate . a . longer . braking . distance. . Only .
transport luggage on the approved luggage racks
and ensure that the maximum permitted overall
weight as well as the maximum load capacity of
the .luggage .rack .are .not .exceeded. .These .values .
may .never .be .exceeded. .Do .not .fix .luggage .racks .
on the seat post; this can lead to breakages and
to .very .serious .falls. .The .manufacturer’s .warranty .
will .also .be .rendered .void .in .this .case.
Make . sure . that . your . luggage . is . firmly .
and safely attached when transporting
packing .bags .or .other .loads.
Ensure that
no parts can get hooked in the spokes or
the .turning .wheels.
19.1 Transporting
children/child seats
The use of child seats is not permitted and is not
approved .by .the .manufacturer. .
The safe transport of children is the responsibility
of .the .cyclist. .Biketec .AG .cannot .be .held .liable .in .
connection with the transport of children and the
resulting .risks. .
Bicycle trailers
The safe transport of children is the responsibility
of .the .cyclist. .Biketec .AG .cannot .be .held .liable .in .
connection with the transport of children and the
resulting .risks.
Please inform yourself of the applicable
national guidelines before you use a
trailer, especially when transporting chil
dren. . Only . use . trailers . that . satisfy . the .
requirements . of . the . applicable . national .
legal .guidelines.
The use of a trailer may lead to severe
falls .and .injuries.
It .is .not .permitted .to .use .a .fast .e-bike .to .
transport .children .in .a .child .trailer .in .Ger-
Ensure additional safety when riding
with . a . child . trailer. . Use . clearly . visible, .
colourful . flags . and . additional . lighting .
Only .use .tested .and .licensed .trailers .and .
safety .equipment.
The .handling .of .the .FLYER .e-bike .is .
negatively .influenced .by .using .a .trail-
er. . You . should . therefore . adjust . your .
driving . style . accordingly. . Otherwise .
there is a danger that the trailer could
flip .over .or .come .off, .which .could .lead .
to .very .serious .falls .and .accidents.
Bike . trailers . will . significantly . extend .
the . overall . length . of . your . FLYER. .
Practise setting off, braking, riding
around corners and on hills in a safe
place .with .an .empty .trailer.
• The maximum permitted overall
weight of the vehicle also includes
the weight of the trailer and any other
You . may . require . a . substantially .
longer braking distance to stop when
riding .with .a .trailer. .Take .care .so .as .to .
avoid .accidents.
Ask . your . FLYER . specialist . retailer .
about the maximum permitted weight
of the trailer you may tow with your
Ask . your . FLYER . specialist . retailer .
about the correct selection and instal
lation .of .the .trailer .coupling.
Roof and rear carrier on a car
Only . use . rear . carriers . which . satisfy .
the applicable national legislation for
transporting .your .bike .by .car. .The .use .
of .rear .carriers .may .lead .to .accidents.
Adjust . your . driving . according . to . the .
weight .of .your .rear .carrier.