Your .FLYER .has .an .automatic .protection .
against . overheating. . In . the . event . of .
overheating, this protection will switch
off the motor function until the motor has
reached .a .non-critical .temperature. .The .
remaining . functions . are . continued, . e.g. .
you .can .still .drive .with .the .lights .on.
When the bike is not in use, the system
will automatically turn off together with
the .light .function .after .10 .minutes. .This .
duration .can .also .be .configured, .as .ex-
plained . in . the . chapter . “Menu . naviga-
tion”. .Therefore, .always .be .sure .to .turn .
on .the .display .before .each .ride.
5. FLYER with
Panasonic drive
and FIT
5.1 Operation with FLYER D1
display and FLYER RC1 and RC2
remote controls
Your .FLYER .with .Panasonic .drive .is .operated .via .
the .FLYER .RC1 .or .RC2 .remote .control .and .the .
FLYER .D1 .display.
FLYER . RC1 . and . RC2 . remote . control . operating .
FLYER D1 display
1. .On/off .button .(press .for .at .least
1 second to switch on)
2. .USB .port
3. .
Display connector
Drive unit
The .drive .unit .is .an .e-bike .motor .that .may .or .may .
not .have .an .integrated . two-gear . unit .depending .
on .the .model. .The .drive .unit .is .operated .via .the .
FLYER .remote .control .(see .above). .
With .the .two-gear .unit, .you .can .switch .between .
manual . and . automatic . mode. . Switch . automatic .
mode .on .and .off .using .the .automatic .button .(A). .
In . automatic . mode, . the . motor . changes . gear . in-
dependently . with . the . aid . of . sensor . information. .
You .can .switch .to .manual .mode .by .pressing .the .
automatic .button .again .or .using .the .toggle .switch. .
You .can .use .the .toggle .switch .to .change .gear .at .
any .time.
5.2 Operation
To activate the system, press the on/off button on
the .display .for .at .least .one .second.
The “Drive” menu will then be shown on the dis
The system can only be activated if a
sufficiently .charged .battery .is .used.
To turn off the electrical system, press the on/off
button .for .at .least .one .second.
If . the . system . does . not . detect . any . rider . activity .
for ten minutes, it turns off automatically to save
energy . (this . idle . time . can . be . configured . as . ex-
plained .under ."Menu .navigation").
The . FLYER . D1 . display . is . operated . using . the .
joystick . on . the . FLYER . remote . control . operating .
console, so that your hands can remain on the
handlebars .while .you .ride.
Automatic .