Safety information
It . is . essential . that . you . per-
form the tests and inspec
tions . stipulated. . Protect .
yourself and other road traf
fic .participants .by .behaving .
safely and responsibly and
always considering the
dangers to which you are
subject . as . a . cyclist . amid .
road . traffic. .Always . wear . a .
well-fitting .and .suitable .hel-
met. .
Ask .your .FLYER .specialist .retailer .how .to .fit .your .
helmet .correctly .so .that .it .protects .you .properly.
These original operating instructions do
not instruct on how to assemble a
FLYER .from .individual .parts, .how .to .re-
pair it or how to get partially assembled
FLYERS .ready .to .operate.
The .FLYER .is .fitted .with .highly .complex, .
modern .technology. .It .must .be .handled .
with specialised knowledge, experience
and .the .specialised .tools .required.
Only .allow .your .FLYER .specialist .retailer .
to .perform .work .on .your .FLYER. .
We are therefore only able to discuss
the most important aspects in this op
erating . manual. . In . addition, . there . are .
also notes and instructions from the re
spective manufacturers of the individual
components .used .on .the .bicycle. .These .
must .also .be .considered. .The .same .ap-
plies .here: .If .anything .is .unclear, .do .not .
hesitate . to . ask . your . FLYER . specialist .
Being . seen . on . the . road . is . just . as . important . as .
being .able .to .see. .Therefore, .always .wear .bright .
clothing .or .clothing .with .reflective .elements .when .
you .ride; .sports .clothing .is .the .best .option. .Do .not .
wear loose clothes that might be caught on ob
jects .or .might .get .tangled .in .the .vehicle. .Tie .your .
trouser .legs .on .both .sides .tightly .to .the .body. .Tight .
clothing on your lower body is also a must, you
should .therefore .use .trouser .clips .if .necessary.
Ride .with .sturdy .shoes. .The .soles .of .your .shoes .
should . be . rigid . and . slip-proof. . Never . ride . with .
your .hands .off .the .handlebars.
Look .ahead .while .riding .and .familiarise .yourself .
with the response of the brakes in a safe and traf
fic-free .area .before .your .first .ride.
Only . one . person . may . ride . on . the . FLYER . at . a .
time. .Do .not .carry .any .loose, .unattached .objects .
with . you. . Always . remember . to . fold . in . the . prop .
stand .before . riding . off. .Check . that .the .quick-re-
lease fasteners are fastened and secured each
time .your .FLYER .has .been .left .unattended .– .even .
if .it .is .for .just .a .short .time. .Regularly .make .sure .
that .all .screws .and .parts .are .securely .fastened.
Your . responsibility . as . the . owner . of . the . vehicle .
includes the actions and the safety of possible
under-age .users .as .well .as .the .technical .state .of .
the .FLYER .e-bike .and .its .adaptation .to .the .rider.
Ensure . that .under-age . riders . have . learned . safe .
and .responsible .handling .of .the .e-bike .– .prefer-
ably .in .the .environment .in .which .they .will .ride .it.
Minors .may .only .ride .a .FLYER .once .they .
have .reached .the .required .age .and .hold .
the .necessary .driving .license.
Important preparations for riding your FLYER
It . is . essential . to . read . the . operating . instructions .
carefully to familiarise yourself with your new
FLYER. .Please .read .all .of .the .instructions .to .en-
sure .safe .use.
This operating manual assumes that you and all
other .users .of .this .FLYER .e-bike
have .a .basic .knowledge .of .bicycles .and .e-bikes. .
Please . contact . your . FLYER . specialist . retailer . if .
you .have .any .questions .and .for .important .main-
tenance .tasks. .All .persons .using, .cleaning, .main-
taining, . repairing . and . disposing . of . the . FLYER .
must know and understand the content of these
Not .observing .this .information .may .have .consid-
erable .consequences .for .your .safety. .If .something .
is out of place, it could cause severe accidents or
cause .you .to .fall .over .– .which .could .also .lead .to .
additional .costs .and .repair.
Along . with . reading . the . specific . instructions . on .
how .to .use .your .FLYER, .you .need .to .familiarise .
yourself with the rules and regulations that are en
forced .on .public .roads .– .these .can .change .from .
country .to .country.
Warnings and important information
• Please consider that the additional assistance
provided .by .the .motor .helps .you .ride .at .signifi-
cantly higher speeds than you are used to with
your .bicycle.
Please . note . that . the . motor . of . your . FLYER .
e-bike .may .get .hot .during .long .ascents. .Do .not .
touch .it, .as .this .could .result .in .burns.
• The same applies to brake discs which can get
very .hot .when .braking. .Avoid .continuous .use .of .
the brakes while riding, even during extended
or .steep .downhill .rides.