can .use .and .apply .all .the .benefits .of .these .modern .
Motor gears
The .Panasonic .36 .V .mid-engine .multi .speed .assist .
system .operates .with .an .integrated .two-gear .unit. .
This .significantly .boosts .the .overall .transmission .
ratio. .It .is .easy .to .use .the .FLYER .RC1 .remote .to .
switch between the two gears of the multi speed
assist . system . at . any . time. . Reduce . the . force . on .
the pedals before switching gear, otherwise the
overload protection of the gear could hinder the
For . specific . instructions . and . information . about .
these gears, consult the component manufactur
er’s .operating .instructions.
If . you . have . any . questions . about . assembling, .
maintaining, setting up or operating the gears,
please . contact . your . FLYER . specialist . retailer. .
Read the operating instructions on the website of
the .respective .manufacturer.
Despite a perfectly set up derailleur gear
system, a bike chain crossing at an an
gle . can . lead . to . noises . during . riding. .
These noises are normal and do not
cause any damage to the gear compo
Do not pedal backwards while changing
gears, as this may damage the gear sys
Using . faulty, . incorrectly . set-up . or . worn .
gear components is dangerous and can
lead .to .falls. .If .you .are .concerned, .have .
components .checked .and .readjusted .as .
required .by .a .FLYER .specialist .retailer.
Electronic gears
You .may .find .electronic .gears .in .particu-
lar .unfamiliar .to .operate. .Therefore, .you .
may .want .to .ask .your .FLYER .specialist .
retailer for more information and about
Bicycle chain
and sprocket,
belt drive
Bicycle chain maintenance
Bicycle .chains .are .subject .to .wear .depending .on .
how . they . are . used. . The . degree . of . wear . varies .
considerably. .Have .the .chain .of .your .FLYER .reg-
ularly .checked .by .your .FLYER .specialist .retailer.
Hub .gears: .approx. .3000 .km
Derailleur .gears: .approx. .1500 .– .2000 .km
A .worn .bike .chain .can .break .and .cause .
very . serious . falls. . Worn . bicycle . chains .
must therefore immediately be changed
by .your .FLYER .specialist .retailer.
Regularly care for your bicycle chain by cleaning
and .greasing .it. .These .measures .reduce .prema-
ture .wear.
To ensure that the chain and gears can
work safely, the chain must have a cer
tain . level . of . tension. . Derailleur . gears .
tension . the . chain . automatically. . In . the .
case of hub gears, chains which are too
loose .must .be .tightened. .It .might .other-
wise .jump .off .the .gears .and .lead .to .a .fall. .
Chain .OK
Chain worn