Such a heating method allows for uniform heat circulation around the food. When using
this heating method, the temperature should be slightly lower as compared to the traditional
cooking. The temperature should be set below 200°C.
The forced heat circulation function is ideal for simultaneous cooking of two dishes of
the same or different kind (e.g. meat and fish), which are placed in the oven on two
different levels; however, the two dishes should require similar cooking temperatures.
At the end of cooking, the front side of baking tin should be preferably turned backwards.
When baking the two dishes, the temperature should be slightly higher than recommended,
and the time longer than at baking the single dish. When the set time has elapsed, remove
both dishes from the oven, and make sure that they are sufficiently cooked. If one of the
dishes requires further cooking, leave it in the oven until it is cooked properly.
Thanks to the forced heat circulation, the oven is ideal for defrosting deep frozen foods.
Generally, we advise to place the frozen products on the plate located in the second or
third oven level. Temperature selection for the defrosting process depends on the kind of
frozen food.
Confectionary, fruits and meat jelly are defrosted by starting the forced heat circulation
without setting the temperature.
While defrosting meat or poultry, wrap it with aluminium foil in order to prevent the direct
effect of the hot air, and then place it in the middle or lower part of the oven compartment,
turn the oven on, and set the temperature to approximately 50 - 70°C.
Ready-to-use frozen products, e.g. frozen vegetables (wrapped with aluminium foil)
can be baked immediately without defrosting.
Cakes can be baked with the use of the traditional tins as well as teflon-coated tins, and forms
made of ceramics, glass and aluminium foil.
If other baking tins are used, in addition to the baking plate supplied along with the cooker, they
should be placed in the middle of the wire shelf.
When selecting the baking temperature, use the following hints:
Thin pastry - high heat power, short baking duration
Thick layer of pastry and liquid pastry - lower heat power, longer baking duration
Baking tins should be filled up to 2/3 of their height, leaving enough space for rising.
For cooking meat, cookware made of ceramic, glass, enamelled steel or iron can be used,
with the handles resistant to elevated temperatures.
The directions concerning oven preheating should be strictly observed, as there are different
recommendations for different cakes.
During the baking process, cake should be uniformly heated. This condition is achieved when
selecting function
If the top of the cake is too dark, the next time the tin with the pastry should be put in the lower
level of the oven, and lower temperature should be selected with increasing the baking time.
If the bottom of the cake is too dark, the next time put the baking tin in the higher level of the
oven, and select lower temperature.
Es aconsejable colocar los alimentos en el segundo nivel. No obstante, el usuario a base de sus
experiencias y observaciones debe seleccionar el nivel óptimo para cada uno de los guisos.
Para comprobar si el pastel está listo, hay que introducir un palillo de madera unos minutos
antes de terminar la cocción. Si el pastel no se pega al palillo, está listo. Terminada la cocción,
dejar reposar en el horno unos 5 minutos.
Para el asado de carnes se pueden usar platos cerámicos, de vidrio, de acero esmaltado y de
hierro fundido, con los mangos resistentes a altas temperaturas.
Al asar las carnes, hay que seleccionar la temperatura en función del tipo y tamano de la carne.
Cuanto más grande, más largo tiene que ser el tiempo con la temoperatura relativamente baja.
Los trozos pequenos exigen menos tiempo de asado en la temperatura más alta. Como dato
orientativo se puede considerar unos 12-15 por cada centímetro de carne. Es aconsejable asar
la carne con método convencional, es decir seleccionando
, ya que después de asarse
queda jugoso.
En el horno puede cocinarse cualquier tipo de guiso, pero no es aconsejable asar piezas cuyo
peso es menor de 1 kg. La carne se puede asar en la bandeja o en la rejilla. Al asar en la rejilla,
por debajo hay que colocar la bandeja para recoger las gotas de grasa.
Tabla 3. Pasteles
Tipo de pastel
Tiempo de asado
Torta de molde
Torta de levadura
Pastel de migajas
Pastel de frutas
Pastel retorcido
Tabla 4 Alimentos de carne
Tiempo del asado
- asado de corta duración
225 - 250
12-15 por cada centímetro
de grosor de la carne
- asado de larga duración
190 - 210
225 -250
50 - 60
Oca, pato, pavo
200 - 210
Dependiendo del tamano
hasta 3 horas
Carne de caza
190 - 210
- asado hasta 2 kg
- estofado hasta 2 kg
225 - 250
180 - 200
20 - 30
30 - 50