ES 2050/51
Setting and changing of initial values
Regeneration-additional programme, Flushing
The duration of the additional program (Relay on / Relay off) can be
programmed for between 1 and 999 minutes.
If the additional program is active before the actual regeneration (“pre
regeneration” and “flushing before service” are not programmed) then a
decision has to be made :
For a simplex installation,
When should the outlet valve be closed? At the start of the additional
program? (Change over"Y") Or as the additional program finishes, i.e. at the
initiation of the regeneration cycle? (Change over "N")
For a duplex installation,
Operating in stand by mode should the stand by unit be brought on at the
start of the additional programme (Change over "Y") or at the start of the
regeneration of the exhausted unit (Change over "N")
: If the outlet valve is closed during the additional program
before the actual regeneration, then the check for allowing regeneration will
be made before starting the additional program otherwise this check will be
made after the additional program.
FL = Flush
Flush time
Calculate the flush time (range 0 to 255 seconds) IMPORTANT If "0" is
entered, no flush will initiated.
Flush interval
This is the setting for the amount of treated water to be supplied between
The permissible range is 1 to 65.000 litres.
Step nr: 15.3
Time "ON" 40m
Step nr: 15.4
S.V.chng ovr Y/N
Step nr: 15.5
Flush time 20s
Step nr: 15.6
Flush Interv.500l