ES 2050/51
Setting and changing of initial values
Prohibited regeneration period
mo t
th fr
s su
3. Prohibited regeneration period.
A regeneration may be started at any time of the day but, for operational
reasons, there may be times when regeneration would be undesirable e.g.
the water pressure may be too low or demand may be high.
In standby duplex mode, the standby unit will be brought into service and the
exhausted unit will regenerate at the end of the prohibited period.
Select the day when the function “prohibited regeneration period” function
must be active. “-“ = not activated, “|” = activated
Enter the time at which the prohibited period commences.
Enter the time at which the prohibited period ends.
For a simplex installation, it is possible to choose whether the outlet/supply
valve (SV) remains open until regeneration starts or is closed immediately.
If the outlet valve remains open, it is important to ensure that the exchange
column is able to deliver treated water if the regeneration warning is given
before the column is exhausted,
(see programming steps 10.1 – 10.3).
If the outlet valve is closed immediately provision must be made for the lack
Of water or a reservoir of treated water must be provided sufficient for the
prohibited period and the regeneration period
With a duplex plant operating in parallel then a decision must be made whether
the outlet valve for the exhausted column should remain open until the start
of the regeneration or should close leaving only one unit in service.
Step nr: 3.1
Time Delayed Y/N
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
- - - - - - -
Step no: 3.3
Start time 6:30
Step no: 3.4
Stop time 18:30
Step no: 3.5
Main valve on Y/N