ES 2050/51
Remote control
Remote control.
The following functions may be remotely controlled by switch contacts connected to the terminal strip of
the controller :-
"water meter" Signal input.
"Contact head"/"reed" water meters give a pulse each time a fixed volume of water has registered e.g. of
every 100 litres. These pulses are counted by the controller and once the calculated capacity has been
supplied a regeneration is initiated.
The controller cannot accept more than 5 pulses per second.
Receipt of a water meter pulse is indicated by the "
" symbol in the second row of the LCD display.
(See page 3.)
"Chemicals low" Signal input
This input signal can be used to monitor the chemical tank and prevent regeneration is there are
insufficient chemicals available.
The warning will not immediately prevent a regeneration, because it is assumed that there will be
sufficient chemicals present for one regeneration. By pushing the key "REGENERATION INITIATION"
indicated by the symbol
, it will is possible to override the warning and initiate a regeneration.
IMPORTANT! The input signal facility does not monitor the chemical tank until 3 hours after a
regeneration has taken place, however if a regeneration is initiated during this time the chemical tank is
checked. The facility is disabled during regeneration.
"await " Signal input.
This input can be used for either of two different functions (see section 17 of the programming
Either: Active during the regeneration
The input signal can be used to hold off or stop a regeneration cycle. The input is active only during a
regeneration cycle.
With duplex installations, when the signal is active, regeneration of an exhausted unit can not be initiated
but, if the plant is operated in standby mode, the stand by unit will be brought on line.
After the "WAIT" signal is cleared the regeneration cycle is commenced or continued.