ES 2050/51
Setting and changing of initial values
Number of valve switching pulses, Electrical control
11. Number of valve switching pulses
Remote control valves and pilot stagers are available with up to 9 steps.
In this section of programming the number of control switch steps must be
Manufacturers often describe their product as a 5 stage valve
with 4 switching stages when there is a change of function, usually in the
chemical injection step, two different functions may then be achieved by one
valve position i.e. injection and slow rinse.
Enter the number of switching steps required using the # (?) key.
12. Electrical control.
Remote control valves and stagers available in the market may be controlled
in various ways, there are important differences:
If the controller is programmed for a Fleck9000 (step 1.4 Yes) the electrical
control will be automatically set at "Changeover"
1. Changeover switching
3. Remote control
2. Pulse switching
4. EURO control
When valve systems operate at 24 V, current loading may be very high especially if the
regeneration valve and several service valves are actuated simultaneously.
It is possible to switch on the motor(s) and valve(s) with a time delay of 30 seconds.
This time delay feature can be selected as follows:
1. Switch the power on to the controller while the "Hardness" - key is pressed.
The display indicates "Standard" or "De-alkalisation" (See page 23).
2. Press the "#"-key twice, until the display indicates Motor valve Y/N.
3. Use the “
" key to enter "Y" for the time delay and "N" for simultaneous switching of the
motor(s) / valve(s).
4. Press the "Hardness" - key once again.
Changeover switching
With this type of control electrical power is switched from connections 5-6 to
5-7 on the main terminal strip as soon as the contact is made.
The following diagrams
illustrate the operation of the
various types of stager connected in this manner. The diagrams do not show
the service condition which follows immediately after "regeneration end".
Step nr: 11.0
Stage 4
Step nr: 12.1
Changeover Y/N
Example 2 stage valve