Quadro4Li Manual II: Administrator's Guide
Administrator’s Menus
Quadro4Li; (SW Version 5.3.x)
- no music will be played.
Own Music
- the current user will define the music that will
be played to them self while being on hold.
Remote Party's Music
- the current user will hear the
remote party's hold music, if enabled, and sent by remote
The manipulation radio buttons group allows you to select the way
custom hold music will be provided.
selection is used to upload the hold music file. The
following options are available under this selection:
Restore Default Hold Music File
enables the default
music. If the checkbox is selected, the text field
New Hold Music File
will be disabled.
Fig. II-182: Advanced Settings for SLA# page
Upload New Hold Music File
text field can be used to type the path where hold music file is located. If hold music file is browsed with the
help of file-chooser, this field displays the path of the browsed file.
button is used to browse for the hold music file.
The music file needs to be in PCMU (CCITT u-law, 8 kHz, 8 bit Mono) wave format, otherwise the system will prevent uploading the file
and display the warning message "Invalid audio file or format is not supported". The system will refuse uploading also if there is not
enough memory available for the corresponding extension and will then announce "You do not have enough space".
It is recommended to use a piece of music not longer than one minute in order to leave enough space for user defined messages
and voice mails.
Download Hold Music File
link appears only if a file has been uploaded recently. It downloads the audio file to the PC and opens a
window where the saving location can be specified.
RTP Channel
selection is used to define the channel for the broadcast streaming. The RTP channels are created by the system
administrator. Therefore if you are experiencing problems with using the RTP channels as hold music, or no RTP channels are available to
select on this page, turn to your system administrator for clarification.
Key System Advanced Configuration
Key System Emulation - Advanced Configuration
page is used to enable/disable the blind transfer service from SLA lines to extensions or
their voice mailboxes.The page consists of the following settings:
Enable blind transfer to VM
checkbox indicates whether
a call received to an SLA can be blind transferred to
extensions’ voice mailboxes. Selecting the checkbox will
enable the blind transfer functionality and will require a
(digits only) that should precede the calls to voice mailboxes.
To call a voice mailbox, the user should dial the specified
prefix followed by the extension number.
Enable blind transfer to extension
checkbox indicates
whether a call received to an SLA can be blind transferred to
extensions. Selecting the checkbox will enable the blind
transfer functionality to extensions. You may optionally specify
that should precede the calls to extensions. Specifying
a prefix is mandatory if the extension numbers have the same
length as the SIP usernames on the SIP server on which the
SLA is registered.
Fig. II-183: Key System Emulation - Advanced Configuration page
Please Note:
If the
Enable blind transfer extension
checkbox is disabled, all calls initiated from SLAs are routed to the SIP server on which
the SLA is registered (if any). If the checkbox is enabled but no prefix is specified, outgoing calls will be routed to the SIP server only if the
number of dialed digits does not match the extension length specified on the system.
RTP Streaming Channels
RTP Streaming Channels
page is used to configure channels where the broadcast RTP streams are transmitted. These channels may be then
configured to be used as hold music (see Manual III – Extension User’s Guide) or any other type of music played to the caller.