S5U1C17001C ManUal
(C COMPilEr PaCkagE fOr S1C17 faMily) (Ver. 1.5.0)
5 gnU17 iDE
(7) Select whether to link libraries for coprocessors (only for models permitting this selection).
Coprocessor commands can be used to perform multiplication or division within a program. To use a coproces-
sor, you must specify the emu_copro_process( ) function in interrupt vector 3 in the vector table.
(Refer to Section 7.2.6,"Compatibility with Coprocessor Instructions.")
Select or unselect the [Use Co-processor Library] checkbox.
ON: Adds the setting to link the coprocessor library libgccMD.a (for multiplication and division) or libgccM.
a (for multiplication) when creating a project. If you select this option, select the library type from the
[Select the Co-processor library type] combo box. (Certain models offer just one selection option.)
OFF: Adds the setting to link the ordinary emulation library libgcc.a when creating a project.
For models for which this checkbox cannot be selected, the setting to link the ordinary emulation library libgcc.
a will be added when creating a project.
(8) Select an object you want to locate in the
section (section for a vector table) by selecting from the
combo box (
selectable) or entering one in the box.
If no objects are to be located in the
section, deselect the check box entitled [Allocate a specific file
to '.vector' section].
You can modify settings for the
section later. (Refer to Section 5.7.8, "Editing a Linker Script".)
(9) Specify a boot vector address. The setting address (ex. 00800, 020000, etc.) varies depending on the model se-
lected in the [Target CPU Device] combo box. The value set here will be used as the parameter for the TTBR
setting command that will be written in the debugger startup command file created by the
as well as it will
be used as the VMA of the
section that will be written in the linker script file.
(10) Click the [Finish] button.
The [New GNU17 Project] wizard is closed, and a project is created under the name specified.
Creating a new project creates a directory with the same name as the project in the current workspace or the direc-
tory specified in (3). If a directory with this project name already exists, the
uses it as the project directory.
In the [C/C++ Projects] or [Navigator] view, the project will be displayed along with a directory icon similar to the
one shown below.
Example: Project created with the name "sample"
If multiple projects are created in the workspace, all will appear in the
[C/C++ Projects] or [Navigator] view.
Содержание S5U1C17001C
Страница 6: ......
Страница 17: ...1 General S5U1C17001C Manual 1 General ...
Страница 18: ......
Страница 21: ...1 2 Install S5U1C17001C Manual 2 Installation ...
Страница 22: ......
Страница 29: ...3 SoftDev S5U1C17001C Manual 3 Software Development Procedures ...
Страница 30: ......
Страница 103: ...4 SrcFiles S5U1C17001C Manual 4 Source files ...
Страница 104: ......
Страница 121: ...5 IDE S5U1C17001C Manual 5 gnU17 iDE ...
Страница 122: ......
Страница 365: ...6 Compiler S5U1C17001C Manual 6 C Compiler ...
Страница 366: ......
Страница 385: ...7 Library S5U1C17001C Manual 7 library ...
Страница 386: ......
Страница 404: ...7 18 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 7 liBrary THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 405: ...8 Assemblr S5U1C17001C Manual 8 assembler ...
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Страница 438: ...8 32 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 8 aSSEMBlEr THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 439: ...9 Linker S5U1C17001C Manual 9 linker ...
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Страница 448: ...9 8 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 9 linkEr THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 449: ...10 Debugger S5U1C17001C Manual 10 Debugger ...
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Страница 625: ...10 174 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 10 DEBUggEr THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 626: ...11 Tools S5U1C17001C Manual 11 Other Tools ...
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Страница 695: ...11 68 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 11 OTHEr TOOlS THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 696: ...S1C17 Family C Compiler Package Quick Reference Reference ...