S5U1C17001C ManUal
(C COMPilEr PaCkagE fOr S1C17 faMily) (Ver. 1.5.0)
2. Select the files to be entered.
[Pack Input Files] lists the files of the type specified in the device information definition file by their default
file names. If the data files to be entered are represented by different names in this list, replace the file
names following the procedure below.
a. Select a file name to be changed by clicking on it from the list box.
b. Click the [Ref] button and select the data file to be entered.
Do this for all files listed.
When replacing files, take care not to mistake one file type (extension) for another. If the type of input file
is erroneous, an error will result during file packing.
3. Setting output file names.
In the [Pack Output File] text box, specify a pack file name in which you want the mask data to be output.
The file name displayed by default can be modified. You can use the [Ref] button to look at other folders.
Make sure the extension of the output file name is "
: File name specification is subject to the following limitations:
1. The number of characters that can be used to specify a file name including the path is 2,048.
2. The file name itself (not including the extension) can be up to 15 characters, and the extension
up to three characters.
3. The file name cannot begin with a hyphen (-), nor can the following symbols be used as part of
directory names (folder names), file names, and extensions:
/ : , ; * ? " < > |
4. Click the [Pack] button to execute packing.
has completed packing, it dsiplays a message "Packing completed!" in the [Pack
message] text box. If an error has occurred, an error message is displayed.
5. Click the [Cancel] button to close the dialog box.
Alternatively, you can click the [Cancel] button to quit
before it executes packing.
Содержание S5U1C17001C
Страница 6: ......
Страница 17: ...1 General S5U1C17001C Manual 1 General ...
Страница 18: ......
Страница 21: ...1 2 Install S5U1C17001C Manual 2 Installation ...
Страница 22: ......
Страница 29: ...3 SoftDev S5U1C17001C Manual 3 Software Development Procedures ...
Страница 30: ......
Страница 103: ...4 SrcFiles S5U1C17001C Manual 4 Source files ...
Страница 104: ......
Страница 121: ...5 IDE S5U1C17001C Manual 5 gnU17 iDE ...
Страница 122: ......
Страница 365: ...6 Compiler S5U1C17001C Manual 6 C Compiler ...
Страница 366: ......
Страница 385: ...7 Library S5U1C17001C Manual 7 library ...
Страница 386: ......
Страница 404: ...7 18 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 7 liBrary THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 405: ...8 Assemblr S5U1C17001C Manual 8 assembler ...
Страница 406: ......
Страница 438: ...8 32 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 8 aSSEMBlEr THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 439: ...9 Linker S5U1C17001C Manual 9 linker ...
Страница 440: ......
Страница 448: ...9 8 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 9 linkEr THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 449: ...10 Debugger S5U1C17001C Manual 10 Debugger ...
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Страница 625: ...10 174 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 10 DEBUggEr THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 626: ...11 Tools S5U1C17001C Manual 11 Other Tools ...
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Страница 695: ...11 68 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 11 OTHEr TOOlS THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 696: ...S1C17 Family C Compiler Package Quick Reference Reference ...