S5U1C17001C ManUal
(C COMPilEr PaCkagE fOr S1C17 faMily) (Ver. 1.5.0)
4 SOUrCE filES
4.2.2 library functions and Header files
This package contains an ANSI library and an emulation library for calculating floating-point numbers and the
remainders of divided integral numbers.
The header files in the "include" directory contain library function declarations and macro definitions. When using
a library function, include the header file that contains its declaration by using the
Certain ANSI library functions not supported by this package are not included in the ANSI library.
The client assumes responsibility for function implementation and prototype declarations when using ANSI library
functions not supported by this package.
For some ANSI library functions not supported by this package, the header files include only prototype
declarations. In these cases, include the pertinent header file rather than declaring a prototype before implementing
the function.
The following table shows the relationship between the types of library files and header files.
Table List of library files and functions
anSi library
file name
Corresponding header file
perror, getchar, fgetc, getc, gets, fgets, fscanf, scanf, sscanf, fread, putchar,
fputc, putc, puts, fputs, ungetc, fprintf, printf, sprintf, vfprintf, vprintf, vsprintf,
abort, exit, malloc, calloc, realloc, free, atoi, atol, atof, strtol, strtoul, strtod,
abs, labs, div, ldiv, rand, srand, bsearch, qsort
setjmp, longjmp
time, mktime, gmtime
acos, asin, atan, atan2, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, fabs, floor, fmod, frexp, ldexp,
log, log10, modf, pow, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh
math.h, errno.h, float.h,
memchr, memmove, strchr, strcspn, strncat, strpbrk, strstr, memcmp,
memset, strcmp, strerror, strncmp, strrchr, strtok, memcpy, strcat, strcpy,
strlen, strncpy, strspn
isalnum, iscntrl, isgraph, isprint, isspace, isxdigit, toupper, isalpha, isdigit,
islower, ispunct, isupper, tolower
va_start, va_arg, va_end
Emulation library
file name
(libgccM.a /
___subdf3, __adddf3, __addsf3, __ashldi3, __ashlhi3, __ashlsi3, __ashrdi3, __ashrhi3, __ashrsi3,
__cmpdi2, __divdf3, __divdi3, __divhi3, __divsf3, __divsi3, __eqdf2, __eqsf2, __extendsfdf2,
__fixdfdi, __fixdfsi, __fixsfdi, __fixsfsi, __fixunsdfdi, __fixunsdfsi, __fixunssfdi, __fixunssfsi,
__floatdidf, __floatdisf, __floatsidf, __floatsisf, __gedf2, __gesf2, __gtdf2, __gtsf2, __ledf2, __lesf2,
__lshrdi3, __lshrhi3, __lshrsi3, __ltdf2, __ltsf2, __moddi3, __modhi3, __modsi3, __muldf3, __muldi3,
__mulhi3, __mulsf3, __mulsi3, __nedf2, __negdf2, __negdi2, __negsf2, __nesf2, __subsf3,
__truncdfsf2, __ucmpdi2, __udivdi3, __udivhi3, __udivsi3, __umoddi3, __umodhi3, __umodsi3,
__cmpsi2, __ucmpsi2
functions with prototype declarations only
Corresponding header file
freopen, tmpfile, tmpnam, remove, rename, fopen, fclose, setbuf,
setvbuf, fflush, clearerr, feof, ferror, fseek,fgetpos, fsetpos, ftell, rewind
atexit, getenv, system
difftime, clock, localtime, asctime, ctime
For details about the functions included in the libraries, refer to Chapter 7, "Library".
When using a library function, be sure to specify the library file that contains the function used when linking. The
linker extracts only the necessary object modules from the specified library file as it links them.
Содержание S5U1C17001C
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Страница 17: ...1 General S5U1C17001C Manual 1 General ...
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Страница 21: ...1 2 Install S5U1C17001C Manual 2 Installation ...
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Страница 29: ...3 SoftDev S5U1C17001C Manual 3 Software Development Procedures ...
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Страница 103: ...4 SrcFiles S5U1C17001C Manual 4 Source files ...
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Страница 121: ...5 IDE S5U1C17001C Manual 5 gnU17 iDE ...
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Страница 365: ...6 Compiler S5U1C17001C Manual 6 C Compiler ...
Страница 366: ......
Страница 385: ...7 Library S5U1C17001C Manual 7 library ...
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Страница 404: ...7 18 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 7 liBrary THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 405: ...8 Assemblr S5U1C17001C Manual 8 assembler ...
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Страница 439: ...9 Linker S5U1C17001C Manual 9 linker ...
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Страница 448: ...9 8 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 9 linkEr THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 449: ...10 Debugger S5U1C17001C Manual 10 Debugger ...
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Страница 626: ...11 Tools S5U1C17001C Manual 11 Other Tools ...
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Страница 695: ...11 68 EPSON S5U1C17001C Manual C Compiler Package for S1C17 Family Ver 1 5 0 11 OTHEr TOOlS THIS PAGE IS BLANK ...
Страница 696: ...S1C17 Family C Compiler Package Quick Reference Reference ...