Check the IC Negative Power Pins
Here’s something you didn’t have to do with the Digital Board – check the IC negative
supply pins. Not all of the ICs require negative supplies, but Table 8-4 contains a list of
all that do. Connect the positive ohmmeter lead to pin 4 of J10 and check the pins in
Table 8-4.
Ref Des
Positive Supply Pin
U6 TL072 Pin
U8 TL074
U9 TL074
U10 TL074 Pin
Table 8-4: Analogue Board IC Negative Supply Pins
Check the IC Ground Pins
Not all of the ICs will have ground connections – the op amps operate between the
positive and negative rails, so they do not have a direct power feed to the ground system.
Connect the positive ohmmeter lead to pin 2 of J10 and check the pins in Table 8-5.
Ref Des
Positive Supply Pin
U1 CD4066 Pin
U2 CD4066 Pin
U3 CD4066 Pin
U4 CD4066 Pin
U5 78L10 Pin
U7 CD4051 Pin
Table 8-5: Analogue Board IC Ground Pins
Check the Power Supply
Before connecting everything up, double-check the power supply connection. The P210
cable should be connected to the power supply terminals. Power on the supply with it
connected to nothing. Ensure that there is +15V on pin 1, ground on pins 2 and 3 (if
there are two ground connections) and -15V is on pin 4 of P210. Once you’re sure
everything is correct there,
turn off or remove power to the power supply
– we don’t
want to hot plug the Klee boards in the next step!
Connect the Boards Together
If you’ve got everything mounted and ready to go, it’s time to connect the boards
together. If you are using the connectors and cables, you should have three interconnect
cables ready to go – two 8 wire cables and one 2 wire cable.
Connect the P101/P211 cable between Digital Board J1 and Analogue Board J11
Connect the P106/P202 cable between Digital Board J6 and Analogue Board J2
Connect the P107/P204 cable between Digital Board J7 and Analogue Board J4