Table 2-6: LED Indicators and Their Functions
Label Function
Pattern Bit 1
Indicates active bit/stage 1
Pattern Bit 2
Indicates active bit/stage 2
Pattern Bit 3
Indicates active bit/stage 3
Pattern Bit 4
Indicates active bit/stage 4
Pattern Bit 5
Indicates active bit/stage 5
Pattern Bit 6
Indicates active bit/stage 6
Pattern Bit 7
Indicates active bit/stage 7
Pattern Bit 8
Indicates active bit/stage 8
Pattern Bit 9
Indicates active bit/stage 9
Pattern Bit 10
Indicates active bit/stage 10
Pattern Bit 11
Indicates active bit/stage 11
Pattern Bit 12
Indicates active bit/stage 12
Pattern Bit 13
Indicates active bit/stage 13
Pattern Bit 14
Indicates active bit/stage 14
Pattern Bit 15
Indicates active bit/stage 15
Pattern Bit 16
Indicates active bit/stage 16
Indicates clock rate
Master Gate Bus
Indicates gate present on Master Gate Bus
Gate Bus 1
Indicates gate present on Gate Bus 1
Gate Bus 2
Indicates gate present on Gate Bus 2
Gate Bus 3
Indicates gate present on Gate Bus 3
Random Reference
Indicates random signal has crossed reference and will generate a
“1” if a rising clock signal is present
Total Number of LEDs: 22
General Recommended Guidelines
We’re not here to tell you how you should lay out your Klee panel. In fact, if you want to
emboss strawberries and leprechauns on the panel, power to you. However, there are
some things we would consider helpful:
Try to keep the pattern LEDs clear of other LEDs. For example, if you put the
gate bus LEDs in line with the pattern LEDs, it may be hard to tell where your
pattern ends and the gate bus begins.
It’s helpful to align the pattern switches, programming pots, pattern LEDs, and
gate bus switches in some order so you know which stage each is associated with.
If you run out of room on your panel, the clock LED could be sacrificed – it
essentially gives the same indication as the Master Gate Bus LED – there’s only a
2 microsecond delay between the two, which is far less latency than anyone of
non-superhuman/bionic capabilities can detect.
Rotary pots are good for easy adjustment. Slider pots are excellent because you
can spot exactly where your settings are without peering at the little dots on your
rotary pot knobs. Either is good. This manual is rotary-pot heavy, but don’t rule
out sliders if you have the technology to put them into your panel.