Five Volt Gates and Triggers:
R63 through R70 = 3K
R71 through R78 = 1K5
10 Volt Gates and Triggers:
R63 through R70 = 1K5
R71 through R78 = 3K
Figure 7-3: Standard Gate Bus Resistor Locations and Values
The Gate Bus Resistors are shown in 7-3, along with a few landmark transistors, ICs and
capacitors. They’re located in the upper left corner of Digital PCB. As the illustration
states, for 5V range gates and triggers, R63 – R70 should be 3K, and R71 through R78
should be 1K5.
For 10V range gates and triggers, R63 – R70 should be 1K5 and R71 – R78 should be
3K. Note that this is for
15V operation only
. For 12V operation, the values will have to
be different yet.
These values provide a 1K output impedance. Note that the terms “5V range” and “10V
range” are used here. The actual voltages these resistor combinations will produce are
4.5V and 9V respectively. During prototype testing, these values were found to be
compatible with all the equipment the Klee was interfaced to.
If this is still a concern to you, the values of 2K6 for R63 – R70 and 1K5 for R71 – R78
will produce voltages within 10 mV of 5V. They will have an output impedance of 951
Ohms, within 5% of 1K.
Values of 1K3 for R63 – R70 and 3K6 for R71 – R78 will produce voltages within 10
mV of 10V. They will provide an output impedance of 955 Ohms, which is within 5% of