Panel Des
(300 Series)
Gate Bus 2 LED
High Efficiency Red LED
Gate Bus 3 LED
High Efficiency Red LED
Random Reference LED
High Efficiency Red LED
And, one last thing before you begin – NO GORILLA FISTING. In other words, make
things tight, but don’t overly wrench those things on there - especially the switches. Use
lock washers, and hold the component with your fingers in its correct position as you
tighten it down. If you draw blood on those fingers, that’s a good indication that you are
subconsciously gorilla fisting things.
Mount the SPST switches making sure the lever while in the closed position of
the switch points to the function it’s supposed to point to (refer to Table 1).
Mount the pots with the same orientation.
Mount the gate bus switches (SPDT ON-OFF-ON) so they line up nice and tidy.
Mount the Invert B Switch so it lines up nice and tidy.
Mount the Push Button Switches.
Mount the Rotary Switch, making sure it lines up with any markings on your
panel (might want to put its knob on at this point just to check).
Mount the Jacks with the same orientation (comes in handy for strapping), unless
you use banana jacks, in which case, orientation does not apply.
Now, before proceeding, go back with your DMM and make sure your switches still
work and are in the right position. After that’s all sorted:
Apply and align all knobs and accoutrements.
Mount the LEDs with a common orientation.
After you’re done mounting the LEDs, make sure they’re oriented correctly and clip the
LED leads to between one half and three quarters inch (non-American builders please
calculate the metric conversion to
numbers – well, OK, it’s actually 13 to 19 mm).
The idea here is you don’t want to let those LED leads to short together, which they
eventually will do if they’re too long, says the Voice Of Experience. You’ll be soldering
wires to them, and moving those wires around, which will move the LED leads around
too much if they’re too long.
Once this process is complete, sit down and hold the panel facing you. Imagine that, in a
short time, those LEDs are going to light up like the frikkin’ Fourth of July. Ensure no
one is looking, then play with the switches and the pots, while making soft bleeping
blooping noises under your breath. Indulge yourself, you’ve earned it. Don’t put the
panel away yet – you’re not done!