Using insulated wire, connect all the scattered components that require Analog Ground
connections have their Analog Ground points tied together. After you’ve done that, as
was done with the Digital Ground strapping, it’s time to ensure that all of the Analog
Ground points
tied together on the panel. Pull out the trusty DMM, connect it to one
Analog Ground point on the panel, and go through each connection with the other lead to
check that all of the other Analog Ground points are connected to this point. It will be
helpful to follow (and fill out in triplicate) the following checklist:
Table 4-2: Analog Ground Strap Connection List
OK Component
Programming Pot 1, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 2, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 3, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 4, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 5, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 6, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 7, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 8, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 9, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 10, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 11, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 12, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 13, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 14, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 15, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Programming Pot 16, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected
Output A Jack, Ground Lug Connected (if non-banana jack)
Output A+B Jack, Ground Lug Connected (if non-banana jack)
Output B Jack, Ground Lug Connected (if non-banana jack)
Optional Output A Jack, Ground Lug Connected (if non-banana jack and used)
Optional Output A+B Jack, Ground Lug Connected (if non-banana jack and used)
Optional Output B Jack, Ground Lug Connected (if non-banana jack and used)
Optional External Range Input Jack, Ground Lug Connected (non-banana, if used)
Optional External Range Pot, Rightmost Lug (looking from back) connected