Procuring Parts
Get Good Quality Parts
Sometimes, when you’re looking for and buying parts, you may see a “good” deal on
surplus parts. With the ICs, you’re probably OK. The pots, maybe so. The switches?
risk it. There are a lot of switches on the
Klee. A bad switch will
ruin things very quickly for you. It is highly recommended you buy good quality
switches from the start from a known good manufacturer – NKK, ALPS, etc. Don’t buy
“generic” switches that do not have a manufacturer listed. You will regret it. In
particular, don’t scrimp on the momentary switches (the Manual Step and Manual Load
switches). There are cheaply priced momentary switches out there, usually under a
buck. There’s a reason they’re cheaply priced. Don’t do it.
Wire is another thing to consider, quality-wise. Old corroded wire, or wire with cheap,
easily melted insulation is something that should be avoided.
Jacks are another thing that should be considered on the “known” good list.
When you see a note about 0.1% resistors, we’re not whistling Dixie. If you do not use
0.1% resistors where indicated, make an effort to *match* the resistors used to 0.1%.
To Use Connectors or Hardwire?
The Klee PCB board set has been set up to interface with the front panel through wire
harnesses and sockets. This makes assembly and troubleshooting much more of a breeze
than hardwiring the connections. It adds some time to construct the cables, but saves in a
lot of time and effort down the road. The connectors do not have to be used – as
indicated, things can be hardwired. But, the connector system is highly recommended.
Selecting a Power Supply
Power Requirements
Klee Sequencer has been tested using a +/- 12V power supply. It may
or may not require an adjustment of the 6K8 current limiting LED resistors – 4K7 will
work if brightness is an issue. However, the Klee has been most extensively tested at
+/15V operation and it is generally recommended.
Klee Sequencer draws around 100 mA per voltage rail at +/-15V
operation, with a power dissipation of approximately 1.5 Watt per rail (3W total). A
linear supply can be used, but it is possible to use it with an appropriate switching supply.
In the case of a switching power supply, it is recommended that one use ferrite beads on
the power supply lines connecting to the Klee Sequencer.