Full-electronic HV-Tester F1-1x Typs
- Type the name/text, by touch the letter on the screen, max 50 character. .
- Accept the final text with "Enter".
- Enter the Info text now. - The question text is query.
- Type the text for the user information (see above).
- Accept the final text with "Save".
: Create Question, Info, Pause steps in the same way.
12.2 Info step
The info step can be inserted in any place in the test plan. Info steps are
for the information/warning of the operator by showing an info text . The
Info text box is showing in the test sequence. Quit the information by
touching the "OK" button. Creation of Info steps, see Chapt. 12.1 - above.
Quit with "OK"
Fig. 12.3: Information text
Fig. 12.4: Info text