Applicatio Manual
Universal Interface 4 DIN/NTC EK- CG2-TP
Revisione 1.0.0 - Aggiornato: 04/09/2017
© SBS S.p.A.
– Tutti i diritti riservati
Pag. 55
Parameter name
Max control value [%]
Control type = continuous or PWM
[range 70 … 100]
Floor temperature limitation
Heating type = floor radiant panels,
External sensors Floor surface
temperature sensor = enabled
/ enabled
This parameter enables the floor temperature limitation of a floor radiant panel. It is
mandatory to measure thefloor surface temperature by enabling the corresponding
temperature sensor in “External sensors (from bus)” folder.
Important! This function does not replace the overtemperature protection usually
installed in hydronic floor systems, realized with the proper safety thermostat.
Temperature limit [°C]
Floor temperature limitation = enabled
[range 20 … 40]
According to EN 1264 a maximum allowed temperature is prescribed for the surface of
a floor heating system:
T(sup) max ≤ 29°C per le zone di normale occupazione;
T(sup) max ≤ 35°C per le zone periferiche degli ambienti.
National standard may limit those temperatures to lower values. Per zone periferiche si
intendono fasce situate generalmente lungo i muri dell’ambiente rivolti verso l’esterno
dell’edificio con larghezza massima di 1 m.
Hysteresis [K]
Floor temperature limitation = enabled
0,3 K
[other values in the range 0,2 K … 3 K]
Before quitting from the alarm status, the device waits until the surface temperature
decreases under the threshold set offset pari al valore di isteresi.
Auxiliary heating
/ enabled
Communication object
Auxiliary heating = enabled
Disabled from bus
Auxiliary heating = enabled
/ yes
It enables the activation and deactivation of the function through a telegram sent on the
bus by a supervising device.
Offset from setpoint
Auxiliary heating = enabled
0,6 K
[other values in the range 0 …3 K]
Hysteresis [K]
Auxiliary heating = enabled
0,3 K
[other values in the range 0,2 K … 3 K]
Cyclic sending interval
Auxiliary heating = enabled
no sending
[other values in the range 30 s … 120
Ventilation for auxiliary heating
Heating type = floor radiant panels or
ceiling radiant panels
/ enabled
This option allows matching a system with high inertia as the floor radiant panels
(hydronic version) to a system with low inertia as the fan-coils.