Applicatio Manual
Universal Interface 4 DIN/NTC EK- CG2-TP
Revisione 1.0.0 - Aggiornato: 04/09/2017
© SBS S.p.A.
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Pag. 26
scheduling function shifts to economy or standby. If a presence is not detected for a time period less than a preset
time, the operating mode does not change; vice versa, if a presence is not detected for a time period greater than
the same preset time, the operating mode becomes the one forced by the time scheduling function.
The figure above shows that, even if a presence is detected while the operating mode forced by the time scheduling
function is not comfort, no change of operating mode is performed until the next programmed comfort event.
In case a forced HVAC mode is used by a supervisor through the communication object
HVAC forced mode in
DPT 20.102, the forced operating mode has a higher priority compared to the mode foreseen by the presence
management, so it will prevail.
In case the energy saving management is carried out through window contacts, the latter has a higher priority
compared tor both the forced mode and the mode foreseen by the presence management; whatever operating
mode is forced by the time scheduling function, by presence management or by forced mode, the system switches
to building protection mode when detecting an open window.
Comfort limitation
. This function is only active if the actual operating mode is set on comfort; if, during this time, a
presence is not detected for a time period greater than a preset time, the operating mode shifts to economy or
standby. The attenuation modes can be selected in the application program and are independent from the modes
foreseen by the time scheduling function.