Applicatio Manual
Universal Interface 4 DIN/NTC EK- CG2-TP
Revisione 1.0.0 - Aggiornato: 04/09/2017
© SBS S.p.A.
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Pag. 10
Scene function output
This mode is intended to be used together with several KNX actuators that support using a scene function;
this function allows storing and recalling a communication object value on an actuator.
In this mode, the role of the device is to send a “store / recall scene” telegram to the actuator on a long /
short press event.
This mode has two possible configurations:
Activate pre-set scene on short press, and store current setting as scene value on long press
Activate two different scenes on long and short press.
6.4.8 Coupled input mode
Each pair of coupled inputs, corresponding to the two sides of a same Input, can be configured for one of following
different features (only the differences from the single mode are highlighted):
Switch control
Both inputs in a pair are bound to the same communication object; unlike single mode, the object can only
be of the 1-bit type (on-off), therefore building a conventional switching behaviour.
The user can configure which of the two inputs sets the “off” or resp. “on” value.
Dimmer control
The functionality is triggered on short press and
long press events of the inputs in the pair.
The user can configure which of the two inputs sets the “up” or resp. “down” value.
On short press events, the input configured as “up” sends an “on” switching telegram to the dimming
actuator; while the “down” input sends an “off” telegram.
On long press events, the dimming percentage is varied up or down until the button is released.
Shutter or Venetian blind control
The two inputs of a pair are assigned to opposite movement directions; these can be assigned to inputs as
desired, i.e. A up / B down or the other way around.
mode can also be set, and it works exactly as in single mode.
In coupled mode, there is no provision for a
control feature
6.4.9 Dimming function
The dimming function is a device application profile included in KNX specifics. Those specifics define the basic
requirements for interface mechanisms, in addition to which some aspects regarding the operating modes, peculiar
for each device (for both command or actuation devices) are to be considered.
The dimmer control type is essentially based on a 4-bit communication object, whose data has the following