pH/Conductivity monitoring or control
Corrective action
Possible causes
Connect the cable.
If the problem persists, use
the second probe if available
(on dual monitoring sys-
tems). Contact GE for equip-
ment service.
PROFIBUS cable to the transmit-
ter is disconnected.
Measurement reading is not
shown on M-Station OIT but is
shown on pH/Conductivity
transmitter on mixer I/O Cabinet.
Connect the sensor cable.
Sensor cable is not properly
Keep probes clean between us-
es, and clean them with a solu-
tion designed to maintain their
properties. Replace probes regu-
The pH sensor needs cleaning.
pH sensor changes are very
slow: two sensors change their
readings at different rates.
If available, switch the input to
the second pH probe.
Perform a study to determine
the applicable PID parameters
for your system and available
The PID control loop parameters,
or the concentration of the ap-
plied acid or base, are not suffi-
pH sensor changes are very
slow: pH control is not rapid
enough for the application.
Xcellerex XDUO 2500 Mixer Operating Instructions 29146667 AH
9 Troubleshooting
9.6 pH/Conductivity monitoring or control