V&T Technologies Co., Ltd.
Chapter 6 Parameter Description
48: Command switching to operation panel
49: Command switching to terminal
50: Command switching to host computer
The above three functions are set to facilitate the switching of running command reference mode. When
the terminal is switching from disabled status to enabled status, the edge trigger is valid.
51: Main frequency source close loop and open loop switching input
It is the process open loop operation and process close loop operation switching terminal. When this
terminal is enabled, it means process close loop operation and when the terminal is disable, it means
process open loop operation.
52: Main frequency source switching to digital voltage reference
54: Main frequency source switching to AI1
55: Main frequency source switching to AI2
56: Main frequency source switching to AI3
57: Main frequency source switching to DI
The above five functions are set to facilitate the switching of main frequency source. When the terminal is
switching from disabled status to enabled status, The edge trigger is valid. When this terminal is enabled,
it will switch from the current main frequency source mode to the main frequency source mode
corresponding to this terminal function.
58: Auxiliary frequency source switching to disabled
59: Reserved
60: Auxiliary frequency source switching to AI1
61: Auxiliary frequency source switching to AI2
62: Auxiliary frequency source switching to AI3
63: Auxiliary frequency source switching to DI
The above five functions are set to facilitate the switching of auxiliary frequency source. When the
terminal is switching from disabled status to enabled status, the edge trigger is valid. When this terminal
is enabled, it will switch from the current auxiliary frequency source mode to the auxiliary frequency
source mode corresponding to this terminal function.
64~66: Reserved
67: Closed loop output forced to be 0
Under process closed loop control or composite control, when the terminal is valid, the output frequency
of the inverter process closed loop adjustment is forced to set as 0.
68: PID positive or negative function
PID is positeve function at default. It should enable negative function when feedback value is greater
than reference value and the frequency needed increase. This function can realized through setting
P8.09=1 or multi-function terminal function setting as 68.
P8.09=0, Terminal function is invalid: Positive;
P8.09=1, Terminal function is valid: Positive;
P8.09=1, Terminal function is invalid: Negative;
Terminal function is valid: Negative.