KGL Operating Manual – VS 3010 BS
79 178
The parameter Defrost Z2 specifies the defrost duration of the Z2 cases. The parameter Comp. OFF Z2
defines whether the Z2 compressors should be disabled during the defrosting or whether the suction pressure
regulator should remain in operation. The Z2 compressors must be disabled after a Z2 defrost for the oil
equalisation of Z2 to the Z1 pack. Using the parameter t0 Comp. ON Z2, a t0 value is entered that disables the
Z2 compressors until the threshold is reached.
If the system has an oil equalisation line, the Z2 compressors are enabled when the t0 value of the Z2 pack
reaches the t0 value of the Z1 pack. The compressor disable is limited to max. 5 minutes. Using the parameter
to-setpoint Z1, the t0 setpoint is entered that should be operated in the Z1 circuit of the pack controller during
the Z2 defrost. This setpoint is not active when only the Z2 cold rooms are defrosting (separate defrost or
auxiliary defrost). The parameters Bas.Load t. Z1 and Bas.unlo t. Z1 are used to enter the basic load times
and basic unload times for the loading and unloading of compressor capacity stages of the Z1 circuit during
the Z2 defrost. The variable control times are not active during the defrost.
The delay time between Z2 defrost and Z1 defrost is set using the parameter Del.Z1 Def. A Z1 defrost (with
this delay) takes place after a Z2 defrost if the option Z2 and Z1 is selected in the Defrost menu. The only
possibility to perform a Z1 defrost individually is the manual defrost using the relevant manual control switch.
The parameter Defrost Z1 specifies the defrost duration of the Z1 cases and Z1 cold rooms. Using the
parameter to-setpoint Z2, the t0 setpoint is entered that should be operated in the Z2 circuit of the pack
controller during the Z1 defrost. The parameters Bas.Load t. Z2 and Bas.unlo t. Z2 are used to enter the basic
load times and basic unload times for the loading and unloading of compressor capacity stages of the Z2
circuit during the Z1 defrost. The variable control times are not active during the defrost.
4.15.2 Actual values for the discharge gas defrosting
All the digital inputs and relay outputs required for the discharge gas defrosting can be checked and adjusted
using the system centre*, operator terminal*, store computer* or via PC, see chapter
. The D2D actual values can be viewed in the menu 2-6.
module for discharge gas defrosting, page 115
The Z2 defrost input for systems with only one suction line for Z2 cases and Z2 cold rooms initiates common
defrosting. The rooms can be defrosted manually using the Z2R defrost input. The Z1 defrost input initiates a
Z1 defrost without a Z2 defrost being performed in advance.
4.15.3 Manual control of the D2D
The Z2 defrost input for systems with only one suction line for Z2 cases and Z2 cold rooms initiates common
defrosting. The rooms can be defrosted manually using the Z2R defrost input. The Z1 defrost input initiates a
Z1 defrost without a Z2 defrost being performed in advance.
The assignment of the case controllers to the temperature zones Z1 and Z2 is performed via the
parametrisation of the Z1/Z2 temperature zone in the case controller (when using older case
controllers, NT instead of Z1 and LT instead of Z2 must be selected). Furthermore, each case
controller must be provided with the CAN bus node number of the associated pack controller (see
operating manuals of the case controllers).